About me

Dr. Klaus Kursawe received his PhD from the University of Saarbruecken in collaboration with the IBM Research Labs in Zurich in 2001, working on issues of securely distributing services over unreliable networks. He worked at IBM until 2003 on various issues around Trusted Computing, which he also worked on when moving to the Katholieke Universiteit in Leuven.
From 2006 till 2010, he was a Senior Researcher at the Philips laboratories in Eindhoven, where he headed the "Trusted Systems and Services Cluster".
In this context, he started working on security aspect and standards around the 'Smart Grid', which he continued after changing to teach at Radboud University. In 2012, he co-founded the European Network for Cyber Security, where build ip the research and development activities for critical infrastructure security until 2016.
Dr. Kursawe is a frequent speaker on both academic and industry conferences, and has been involved in various EU and US working groups as well as standardisation groups around security.
My Publications
My Patents